A headache is a pain anywhere in the region of the head or neck. It can result from a large range of causes.
Not only that, headaches are more common than we would like them to be. Luckily, most headaches are more annoying than dangerous and can be easily treated with an over-the-counter painkiller or a good night’s rest, though some are much more frustrating to deal with.
Though a headache doesn’t typically cause any serious damage, it can really put a damper on your day. This is why it is no surprise that we are eager to get rid of it as soon as possible.

Again, a small painkiller is often all that is necessary to reduce the effects of a headache. However, some of us are not keen on taking medication or feel that it is simply not enough to reduce the pain.
That’s where essential oils come in!
Essential oils, derived from herbs and plants, have been found to have several kinds of benefits, from reducing stress to addressing muscle aches.
Not only do these oils smell great, but they are a wonderful way to boost the quality of your physical and mental health naturally. But how do you know which essential oils you need for your head pain?
An article from One Green Planet has just the information you are looking for!
One Green Planet is an online site that shares various ways to become more eco-friendly, which involves using more natural methods to boost the quality of your health.
Hannah Agnew-Elliott wrote “How to Use Essential Oils to Relieve Headaches” to share how these oils can relieve you of one of the most frustrating symptoms around.

Not only does she describe each essential oil’s effect on the body and mind but also reveals how we can best use each essential oil for our health needs.
So why is Agnew-Elliott’s article so important anyway?
Firstly, she is helping more people benefit from this wonderful and natural substance known as essential oils. Thanks to her article and the power of the internet, this knowledge can be shared and allow many to improve their health the natural way.
Headaches may not be deadly or dangerous, but it is still a rather painful and frustrating symptom. For some, it will be a rare annoyance, but for others, headaches can really get in the way of living and enjoying life.
What may be a nice little trick for you, may be a real life-saver for someone else. While our bath salts at Better Bath Better Body are not proven to treat headaches, they are infused with pure essential oils, which can help you relax and de-stress after a long day.
We have a wide range of blends, which you can browse and shop online today.