The stress and strain of our busy lifestyle can really take its toll on our mind and body. Not to mention that technology has a way of keeping us too connected to our daily stresses and anxieties than we would like to be. On days like this, there is nothing as refreshing and wonderful as just taking a nice hot soak in the bathtub.
Though many of us think of baths as just a way to get clean and ready for the day, they actually have a wonderful soothing quality of their own.

The hot water kills off bacteria and viruses on the outside while on the inside it increases circulation and soothes our tired muscles. However, with a little help, your bath time can do a whole lot more to boost mind and body health.
How you may ask? Well by tossing in some bath salts of course!
What Are Bath Salts?
Bath salts are water-soluble and pulverized minerals added to water to amp up your bathing experience. They were developed to mimic the properties of natural mineral springs and seas that are not easy to get to.
Though they are called salts, not all bath salts actually have salt in them. The name comes from their crystal appearance, which is very similar to that of common table salt.
How Do Bath Salts Boost Your Bathing Experience?
An article by Udita Madan called “Salt water bath: Know why it’s good for your health!” explains why bath salts truly add something extra to our bathing experience.

Madan is an experienced writer for Zee News, an online news site that shares everything from the latest technology to holistic medicines. She shares just a few of the reasons why a salty bath can aid both your mind and body and even how it works to do so.
How Do You Use Bath Salts?
Don’t worry, it is actually rather simple. Once the water fills the bathtub around the halfway mark, you just toss a small handful of your bath salt into the water.
Use your hand and arm to make sure the salt has mixed properly into the water and then you can just hop in and soak up the benefits.
Ready to take a salt bath today? Try our lavender-infused Deep Relaxation Bath Soak at Better Bath Better Body.
We have a wide selection of blends, which you can shop here.