If you are always on the lookout for the latest fitness trends related to rest and recovery, then you’ve probably heard of an epsom salt bath. This all-natural remedy has been around for hundreds of years.
It is believed that adding epsom salt to regular bath water helps relieve tense muscles. It is also known to combat stress and help you relax.
If you’re an athlete, here are four interesting ways you can benefit from an epsom salt soak.

Helps With Recovery
Soaking in an epsom salt bath can soothe your body and help you loosen up. It can also help prevent soreness later on.
Relax in the tub for at least fifteen minutes to put your body at ease.
Relaxes The Mind And Improves Focus
Are you worried about your performance in a game? Epsom salt can help you deal with the pressure.
When you’re relaxed, your body produces chemicals that help keep the brain calm. It can also improve your concentration, so you can deliver your best performance in your chosen sport.
Promotes Better Sleep
Most athletes know the value of a good night’s rest. If you are looking for ways to sleep better, try making an epsom salt bath a part of your bedtime ritual.
Epsom salt allows you to forget your worries and elevates your mood so you don’t have to spend late nights tossing and turning in bed. It will help you sleep better and more deeply.

Keeps You Energetic
Epsom salt is also believed to help increase energy levels and stamina. It will give you the necessary push to train harder on days when you are feeling slow or sluggish.
Take An Epsom Salt Bath Before Or After A Workout
If you want to succeed as an athlete, it is important to take rest and recovery seriously. Now is a great time to add epsom salt to your post-recovery rituals.
Even just one epsom salt muscle soak a week can make a huge difference in your performance. You can also do it before a workout to give yourself a quick boost.
Our epsom salt products are so good for your body, and they are enhanced with 100% pure essential oils for bath to help you enjoy aromatherapy benefits too.
For instance, our Athlete Bath Soak is perfect for when you’re recovering after a particularly difficult workout or training session. It contains fragrant pine and eucalyptus essential oils, so you’ll not only feel but also smell good after your bath.
Check out our other products here.