Delivering your bundle of joy is just the start of the journey. Once all the chaos and excitement of having your baby settles in, there are postpartum body changes to handle, and one way to get relief is by getting a soothing sitz bath.
How To Make A Sitz Bath
“Sitz” is derived from a German word (sitzen) meaning “to sit.” A sitz bath involves sitting in hip-deep water in a specially designed bath seat. Doing so runs water in the area to help you soothe and relax.
You can have a sitz soak in either cold or warm water. Some people find warm sitz baths to be more relaxing, while others find greater relief in colder baths.
New moms are free to decide on the best bath temperature for them. We also encourage consulting your doctor before taking a sitz soak.
Using Epsom Salt For A Sitz Bath Postpartum
While clean water is usually enough for a sitz bath, the experience is further enhanced by using epsom salts and essential oils. The soothing benefits of an epsom salt sitz bath help many people deal with various levels of stress and challenging situations in everyday life.
Epsom salt baths can also be infused with essential oils, which are plant extracts that carry with them a host of all-natural relieving properties. These oils are popularly used for aromatherapy and meditation.
An epsom salt soak with essential oils would of course be perfect for a sitz bath. A base of USP Grade epsom salt and pure essential oils would readily lend their benefits.

This can be done more than once a day with 1/8 to 1/4 cup of epsom salt for 10-20 minutes of a refreshing bath time.
High-Quality Soaks To Support Postpartum Recovery
At Better Bath Better Body, we have a line of specially blended bath soaks for the new mom. Our Sitz Bath Soak, which has juniper and niaouli essential oils, makes a perfect formula for mommy's well-being.
We also have our Postpartum Sitz Bath Soak, a pampering sitz bath with geranium and lemon essential oils. Geranium essential oil offers a calming rose-like aroma, which boosts the epsom salt sitz bath experience by relieving stress and improving one's mood. This blend is great for any mom’s postpartum journey.
We understand that DIY soaks can be tempting. Still, it’s best to use quality products made through standard industry practices and consult your doctor before anything else.
At Better Bath Better Body, we only use 100% pure essential oils and high-quality, fine epsom salt. Each pack carries their commitment to improving lives one bath at a time.
Be sure to check out our online store to browse our exciting selection of epsom bath salts. You'll surely find more than enough options for a relaxing postpartum soak.