Although modern medicine has made childbirth relatively easier, bringing a tiny human into this world can still be quite a challenge.
In addition, you may experience difficulty during postpartum recovery. Some women need a year to feel like their old selves again. Some have to deal with emotional hurdles because of all the changes and challenges that come with raising a child.
Because of all their new responsibilities, new mothers tend to forget themselves, but it’s important to set aside time for self-care too.

Sleep When The Baby Does
The house is messy? The dirty dishes are piling up? You haven’t done the laundry in a week? Don’t let these mounting chores stress you out.
Aside from taking care of the baby, your only other focus should be taking care of yourself. Don’t drain your energy by trying to accomplish everything. Sleep when the baby is sleeping because there might be no other time to get your sleep.
It is important to get enough rest to recover faster.
Trust Your Instincts
Being a new mom can seem like a scary time because there are so many things to learn. Don’t get pressured by everything you read on social media or by the pieces of advice given by well-meaning friends. You are wiser and stronger than you think.
Yes, you can read books and listen to other people’s stories, but in the end, it all boils down to what you think is right. As the mother, you always have the final say.
Limit Your Visitors
Don’t be shy to tell friends and family that you can’t see them yet. Ask them to wait a few weeks before coming to visit. Use this time to focus on bonding with your baby and learning the ropes of motherhood.

Accept Help
Indeed, it takes a village to raise a child, so you need all the help you can get. When someone offers to clean the house or bring you cooked meals, do not hesitate to accept the offer.
Husbands and partners should try to give new moms at least an hour of uninterrupted time every day.
Eat Well
Do not forget to ignore your needs. Getting proper nutrition allows you to recover faster. Resist the temptation to eat junk food and unhealthy meals.
To ensure that you meet your daily nutritional requirements, try making green smoothies packed with fruits and veggies.
An Epsom Salt Sitz Bath Can Help You Relax After Giving Birth
A sitz bath is an easy and affordable way to wind down after an entire day of taking care of your newborn. All you need is a small tub that fits your toilet. Fill it up with warm water and sit on it for ten minutes up to three times a day.
To make your sitz bath even more beneficial, you can add our Sitz Bath Soak, which is made from all-natural ingredients. This unique blend is enhanced with fragrant juniper and niaouli essential oils.
Depending on your needs, you can use ⅛ to ¼ cup of our sitz bath salt every time you take a sitz bath. You can also add it to your regular bath water.
Make your bath time better with Better Bath Better Body. Shop our other products here.