What can you do to make your partner feel special and loved every day?
While romantic movies often highlight the importance of big gestures, small acts of love go a long way in making your partner feel appreciated too. It’s the simple things that will make your partner feel special every day―there’s no need to go over the top or go for unnecessarily expensive options.
Ready to sweep your partner off their feet? Read on to check out our ideas.
Call Your Partner In The Middle Of The Day
Remember how it was during the early days of your relationship? It was as though neither of you could stand being apart from the other. Make your partner feel special by checking in to ask how their day is going.
Surprise them with a call in the middle of the day. It’s a great way to let your partner know that they are on your mind.
Show Your Appreciation
When you’ve been together for quite a while, it is easy to take things for granted. Whether your partner cooks all your meals or works hard to make ends meet, you should never forget to show your appreciation for them.
Saying “Thank you” every day can make a huge difference in how the other person feels. No matter how busy you may be, always find time to let your partner know how grateful you are for everything they do for you.
Turn Off Your Gadgets And Listen
Can’t keep your eyes off your phone even when you are with your partner? Perhaps you don’t realize how this takes away the romance in your relationship.
Gadgets, games, and constantly checking your email in front of your partner send the message that you don’t value their company. Make a conscious effort to unplug when you are with your partner. Listening to their stories will make them feel loved.
Plan A Romantic Evening
When you and your partner are both tired after a long day, it’s hard to bond and enjoy each other’s company. If you’re both busy, take some time out of your jam-packed schedules to enjoy a romantic evening together.
Take the initiative to plan a nice dinner with them. You don’t need to spend a lot of money on this. You can opt to prepare dinner from scratch instead of ordering from a restaurant. The important thing is to plan every detail to make sure that your partner feels extra special.

Prepare A Bath For Two In An Extra Large Romantic Bathtub
Want to try a different kind of bonding experience for you and your partner? Why not prepare a romantic bath and spend quality time together while relaxing?
It’s a great way to have intimate conversations and pamper yourselves at the same time. It will also allow you to relieve stress after a long day.
To make your romantic bath even more amazing, try our epsom salt products at Better Bath Better Body. One of them is our Deep Relaxation Bath Soak enhanced with pure lavender essential oil that helps promote desire and passion.
Epsom salt is an all-natural mineral that can help you unwind. If you have trouble sleeping, it will help put your mind at ease so you can fall asleep more quickly.
There are numerous advantages to adding epsom salt to your bath. Whether you want to try something new with your partner or pamper one another, epsom salt will make bath time even more fun and rejuvenating.
Shop the rest of our epsom salt products here.