For those wondering how to make a sitz bath, whether to soothe hemorrhoids or just for some comforting relaxation, the process is simple. You don’t need a bathtub to enjoy a sitz soak, and anyone can enjoy the experience.
3 Ways To Enjoy A Sitz Bath
There are 3 main ways to enjoy taking a sitz bath:
Toilet Sitz Tub
A sitz bath for the toilet is the easiest way to enjoy a sitz soak, and you can use it anywhere, as long as there’s a toilet to attach the bath to. A small basin attaches to the back of the toilet bowl, where it is then filled with warm water and an epsom salt soak blend.
The bather sits on the toilet with their bottom submerged in the basin, and then it can be tipped right into the toilet bowl after for easy cleanup.
Large Soaking Basin

For some, the same large basin they use for foot soaks can play double duty by becoming a sitz soaking tub as well. To take a bath this way, fill the basin with warm water and epsom salt, then sit in the basin for around 20 minutes.
Depending on how accessible the basin is, you may wish to take your soak near a surface you can use to safely lift yourself up after you’re done.
Traditional Bathtub
If you have a traditional bathtub, you can also use it to take a sitz bath. Rather than completely filling the tub as you may for a traditional bath, fill it only with about 3 to 4 inches of water –– just enough to completely submerge your bottom area.
Once the tub is filled with warm water, add your chosen epsom salt blend, and prepare to sit in the tub for a good soak. At Better Bath Better Body, we have several options.
One of them is our Sitz Bath Soak, a blend that is soothing and refreshing for all bathing needs. Its base is USP Grade epsom salt infused with a combination of pure essential oils like lavender, frankincense, geranium, niaouli, and juniper.
You may also want to try our Lilliuma Sitz Bath Salt, which is made of Mediterranean sea salt instead of epsom salt. With this soak, you get the aromatherapeutic benefits of chamomile, frankincense, and lavender essential oils.
Creating A Relaxing Sitz Bath Experience
No matter what you choose to use for your sitz bath, you can make the experience a truly relaxing one. Just follow these steps:
Step 1: Set The Perfect Temperature
The first step to making a sitz bath is to add warm water to your chosen instrument.
Make sure you get the temperature just right. Water that is too warm or too cool may be uncomfortable and take away from your overall sitz bath experience.
Step 2: Add Your Chosen Sitz Soak
Next, you’ll want to add your chosen sitz soak. Start with around 1 tablespoon of soak per gallon of warm water used and work your way up to 2 tablespoons per gallon if you wish to enhance your bathing experience.
Some like to keep it a bit lighter and stick with 1 tablespoon per gallon, while others prefer to add a bit more soak for more impact. The amount of soak you use may also depend on your mood or the situation, with some days feeling like you could use a little more and others a little less.
Step 3: Soak And Relax For 20 Minutes
For those wondering how long to soak in epsom salt, the ideal time is around 20 minutes. This is enough for the salt to relax and soothe your bottom area while you get the maximum benefits from the essential oils.
After your 20-minute soak is done, it’s time to carefully lift yourself from the basin, bathtub, or sitz toilet bath. You may feel deeply relaxed during this time, so it’s important to get up slowly and carefully.
Step 4: Pat Dry With Care
The last step is to pat yourself dry with a soft, clean towel.
Cleaning Up After Your Sitz Bath
Cleaning up after your sitz bath is simple. In a standard tub, a good rinse with clean water is usually all that you will need. For a soaking basin, you may want to hose out the basin.
As for sitz toilet tubs, tip the water back into the toilet bowl, wash with a diluted gentle soap, and dry with a clean towel before storing.
If you’re a new mom or just a fan of fresh and revitalizing aromas, try our Postpartum Sitz Bath Soak. We formulated this with pure relaxation and soothing in mind, so, despite its name, it’s perfect for anyone.
In conclusion, discovering how to make a sitz bath is a straightforward and flexible process, accommodating diverse preferences and needs.
Explore our line of sitz bath soaks today –– place an order here.