All those bottles of beer and shots of tequila sounded good last night, didn’t they? Well, now you have to endure a morning of head discomfort, loss of appetite, dehydration, fatigue, and more.
Yup, we’re talking about hangovers here. Hangovers often occur when the liver becomes overworked with all the toxins and chemicals from drinking too much alcohol.
The hangover experience is different for every individual, and finding a magic cure is quite difficult. Symptoms can last for as long as 24 hours.
While it’s possible to get over-the-counter medication to help cure the problem, it is best to try natural options as well. The best remedy is to try multiple hangover remedies to find a combination that can get the job done.
Need ideas? Here are our suggestions.

Make Sure To Hydrate
It is important to drink more water than usual because alcohol dehydrates the body. Ideally, try to drink around 2-3 liters of water to speed up your recovery.
Coconut juice can also be helpful in replenishing the body’s water levels. You can also try drinking fresh fruit juices and vegetable smoothies, which are rich in vitamins and minerals.
Sleep, Sleep, Sleep
Did you go to a party last night? Did you get to enjoy a bit of late-night drinking? Then it's very likely that you lack sleep too.
While a hangover doesn’t always cause terrible head discomfort, lack of sleep sure does. Reduce the discomfort just by spending more time in bed.

Eat Before Drinking
When your stomach is lined with food, your body absorbs alcohol at a much slower pace. It’s a good idea to eat greasy food and slow-burning carbohydrates just before drinking.
You’ll probably be hungry when you wake up too, so it is best to make sure you have something heavy to eat for breakfast.
Exercise is probably the last thing on your mind when you have a hangover, but it’s one of the best ways to excrete toxins and get the blood flowing.
If you have a really bad hangover, you don’t need to push yourself. Just a simple exercise routine that will get you moving can help.
Have An Epsom Salt Shower Or Bath
Want a soothing way to get rid of toxins in the body? We suggest a relaxing epsom salt muscle soak.
Because it is made from magnesium and sulfate, it calms and soothes the body. We have a special Detox Bath Soak that can make it easier for you to get rid of all the bad stuff. Just 15 to 20 minutes in the tub can make a huge difference in how you feel.
Want to learn more about our epsom salt products? Shop them here.