Getting out of your nice and comfy bed is probably one of the toughest things to do in the morning. After all, most of us could use an extra hour of sleep, right? But if you are looking for ways to be a bit more productive, one of the secrets is to simply wake up earlier.
Aside from helping improve the quality of your sleep, waking up earlier can help you establish better sleeping routines. This means that you get to go to bed early, have enough rest and sleep, and wake up feeling energized and productive.
If you want to have an amazing start to your day and enjoy the benefits of having more time to accomplish your tasks, here are ways to get an early start.
Sleep A Bit Earlier
How can you wake up earlier if you hit the sack at 1 AM? Waking up earlier starts with the habit of sleeping earlier. Ditch the habit of surfing the net or watching TV in your bedroom while trying to fall asleep.
It is best to turn off the lights, stay in bed, and wait for your body to fall asleep. If you want, you may also do some light reading before going to bed. Invest time and effort in creating a good bedtime routine that will work for you.
Do It Slowly But Surely
Drastic changes can make you feel unmotivated about improving your lifestyle. Try adjusting your sleeping habits slowly but surely. For example, wake up fifteen minutes earlier this week and thirty minutes earlier next week.
The result? You’ll be waking up an hour earlier within a month. Don’t rush your progress. Give your body time to adjust to your new routine.
Get Out Of The Bedroom As Soon As You Wake Up
Waking up earlier is useless if you spend the extra time lying in bed. To be really productive, the best thing to do is to leave the bedroom so that your body won’t be tempted to sleep again.
If you can, get some morning sunshine to help wake up your body. You might even want to take a short walk around your neighborhood in the morning for a bit of exercise.
Use Your Time Wisely
Whether you wake up an hour or just fifteen minutes earlier, make sure to find ways to spend your time better. It's good to have a specific task in mind so all that extra time won’t go to waste.
Mornings are great for meditation, exercise, and difficult tasks that need to be completed. You will feel amazing knowing that you’ve accomplished something important by 8 AM.

Try Our Detox Bath Soak To Help You Enjoy Better Mornings
It will also help if you create a morning routine that will help you feel energized. Train yourself to wake up early and develop a “get to” mindset that will allow you to jump-start your day.
To get started, check out our epsom salt products at Better Bath Better Body for your morning muscle soak. Epsom salt can help you become more productive throughout the day. You will feel more physically and mentally prepared for whatever tasks that may be thrown your way.
We have a special Detox Bath Soak that can rejuvenate your mind and body, especially in the mornings. This unique blend contains lemon and ginger essential oils. The powerful citrus aromas will help you feel energized.
Taking a relaxing epsom salt bath in the morning is a great way to start your day. If you’re ready to start changing up your mornings, shop our entire bath salts collection here.