An epsom salt sitz bath soak offers soothing benefits that surprise a lot of people. The uninitiated would try it cautiously, while the others who have already enjoyed it earnestly recommend the practice.
It’s a hemorrhoid-soothing soak, but it’s also a relaxing soak for everyone. We at Better Bath Better Body still get thrilled when our buyers come back to buy more sitz soaks.
Taking A Sitz Bath
You can take sitz baths in different ways. One way is to simply sit in your full-size bathtub. Another way is to use an over-the-toilet tub.

If you prefer the second method, check out our Sitz Tub Bundle. This set includes one (1) over-the-toilet seat tub and a 2-lb variant of our Sitz Bath Salt.
The tub is foldable for easy storage. It also comes with its own sling bag, so you can store it properly. This is also a great gift idea for friends and family.
To get the most out of your sitz soak, be sure to use the product as directed. First-time users may start with only 1 to 2 tablespoons of epsom sitz bath salt per gallon of water. You may add more as you become more comfortable.
Enjoy your sitz soak for 15 to 20 minutes. You may even do it more than once a day and make it a part of your self-cleansing ritual.
Sitz soaks have become a popular solution for soothing hemorrhoids, but they can also offer relief to new moms.
The Value Of A Sitz Soak
We at Better Bath Better Body offer affordable sitz soaks. You can even buy a 40-lb bucket to get the most out of your money. However, its real value lies in its power to soothe your mind and body.
Relief, when it is most needed, is certainly priceless. Check our line of sitz soaks at Better Bath Better Body here and discover for yourself its soothing benefits.
Sitz Baths For Stress Relief
Sitting in a sitz soak is so comforting that it offers relaxing benefits to anyone who would like to give it a try. We use only USP Grade epsom salt in our sitz soaks for the highest quality experience.
It’s important to note though that sitz soaks are not medical treatments. They are only meant to provide soothing relief. If you are experiencing serious discomfort, you should consult a healthcare professional.
Always refer to a doctor for medical advice about your condition. New moms are also advised to get their doctor’s approval before taking sitz soaks.
Check out our epsom salt sitz bath soaks and other products here.