Stressed out after a long week of work? Feeling exhausted because of deadlines and other responsibilities?
Maybe it’s time to take a break and give yourself a little pick-me-up. Don’t worry because there are awesome ways to treat yourself without breaking the bank.
Read on to check out our suggestions.
Take A Nice, Long Nap

On most days, you probably don’t get enough rest. Doesn’t it sound great to sleep until two in the afternoon and get the amount of shut-eye your body needs?
Go ahead: clear your schedule and perhaps even change the sheets. Your body will definitely appreciate it.
Learn To Cook Something New
Do you always get takeout for dinner? Try whipping up something from scratch this time around. Not only will it be more satisfying, but your meal will likely be much healthier, too.
Explore Your Neighborhood
Adventures don’t always have to involve an airplane. If you always go to the same places, exploring your neighborhood and visiting new restaurants or shops will feel refreshing.
It will give you a chance to see your local community in a new light. What are the spots in your area that you haven’t visited yet?
Try A New Workout Routine
Shock your body with a new type of exercise. If you’ve been doing the same thing again and again, challenge your body with something different.
It does not have to be intense. You can learn a new sport or attend dance classes.
Have Ice Cream For Breakfast
Hey, you’re an adult, right? In your house, you make the rules. There’s absolutely nothing wrong with having some ice cream for breakfast every now and then.

Take A Day Off And Do Nothing
Resist the urge to check your work email or run errands. Just spend your time doing things that you really like. You can watch a movie or finish reading a book.
Make DIY Beauty Products
This will save you a lot of money and maybe even allow you to come up with something that suits your skin perfectly. Experiment with different ingredients and create a formulation that is 100% yours.
Use Tranquility Bath Salts
There is truly nothing more luxurious than taking a long dip in the tub with hot water and epsom salt. Put some music on in the background, or bring a book with you. Hang a “Do Not Disturb” sign outside your bathroom and avoid all distractions.
You can also try our epsom salt products at Better Bath Better Body. Made from magnesium and sulfate, epsom salt is an all-natural remedy that can help soothe aching muscles and detox the body. All our products are enhanced with 100% pure essential oils that offer aromatherapy benefits.
To really help you relax, try our Deep Relaxation Bath Soak. This blend contains lavender essential oil that can help relieve tension and stress.
Learn more about our products and shop our entire range here.