With 2015 come and gone, many are working on New Year’s resolutions to start the year off right. From changing careers and eating healthier, there are plenty of great resolutions to choose from. Why not make this the year for better-quality skin?
Your skin makes up for much of your body and once it is damaged, there may not be much that can be done to fix it. Ignoring skin care can increase your risk of premature aging and in some cases, cause you to develop skin problems that are not so easy to be rid of later on.
That’s why it is so important to adopt healthy skin habits so you can keep loving your skin for as long as possible. Here are just a few resolutions you can make toward bettering your skin.

Wear More Sunscreen
Using sunscreen at least twice daily, with reapplication every time you venture outside, can greatly boost the quality of your skin. Not only do the sun’s harmful rays make your skin darker, but they also increase your chances of pigmentation, premature wrinkles, and early aging.
Applying a high-quality sunblock with at least 30 plus sun protection on all exposed areas of your body can make all the difference between staying young-looking to aging prematurely.
Detox Your System
Though there are several ways to go about detoxification, taking a detox bath is one of the simplest and most relaxing ways to go about it.
Using bath salts, like our Detox Bath Soak with epsom salt and pure essential oils of lemon and ginger, you can just hop in the bathtub and feel the toxins drain out of you.
So instead of drinking a special shake or fasting, why not just hop in the bathtub?
Get Your Daily Dose Of Vitamins And Minerals

If possible, you should always try to eat plenty of vegetables, fruits, and other healthy foods. Sadly, even if you are able to eat healthy, something might still be missing.
However, if you do find certain nutrients missing from your diet, vitamins are a great way to provide support to your system and ensure that your body is getting everything it needs.
Is it minerals that you are missing? Another way to ensure your body is getting all the nutrients that it needs is a nice salty bath. Many bath salts, such as epsom salts, help to restore missing minerals in your body.
Moisturize Your Skin
There are several types of bath salts and even a few essential oils that can do wonders for exfoliating and moisturizing your skin. For example, epsom bath salts can do wonders for draining the toxins right out of your skin while also keeping it moist.
If you find that you suffer from extremely dry skin, try to add oatmeal into the mix as well. Oatmeal is a wonderful and natural way for your body to get the extra moisture it needs to stay healthy.
If you’re ready to amp up your skincare routine and take self-care to the next level this year, shop our wide selection of bath soaks today.