When it comes to taking a rejuvenating bath, bath salts can really come in handy. These bath products can come in a variety of scents, textures, sizes, colors, and types.
There is something for you to choose no matter what you’re looking to improve or what type of result you wish to achieve.
The first step to getting the most out of your bath salts is finding which ones will suit your needs the best, and you can do yourself a big service in this regard by learning about the common types available.
Types Of Bath Soaks

The first thing you may notice about your bath salts is that they come in various grain sizes, with some salts taking on a finer texture and others appearing more coarse.
While they all offer benefits, they may be used in different ways. Read on to learn more.
Fine Bath Salts
Fine bath salts are often used as bath enhancers and scrubs or exfoliators. They are good for your skin, as they soften, cleanse, and regenerate.
Medium Bath Salts
Medium bath salts can be used as a scrub. However, you have to use them gently, and they are often best placed under running water to enhance their fragrance and benefits.
Coarse Bath Salts
Coarse bath salts aren’t recommended for use as scrubs or exfoliators in the bath as their texture and large size can damage the skin.
While these bath salts tend to have a heavy fragrance and allow you to relax, they do take a bit longer to dissolve when compared to fine or medium bath salts.

Other Properties Of Bath Salts
The size isn’t the only area where bath salts differ. Their scents and the benefits they provide vary as well.
For instance, bath salts with essential oils such as lavender or mint can help calm the mind, and those containing geranium essential oil can help revive and rejuvenate you.
Salt's Benefits For The Body
It pays to opt for pure epsom salt when looking into your bath soak options. That way, you won't be getting an overprocessed product that might prove harmful in the long run.
Our epsom salt blends at Better Bath Better Body are made of nothing but natural ingredients, such as pure essential oils. Try our Sitz Bath Soak or perhaps our Detox Bath Soak -- either soak can make every bath an experience to look forward to.
Head over to our online shop for more options.